madrasah dar-us-salam prize giving


1st Year

  1. How to perform salaah.
  2. Invocations in salaah and their meanings.
  3. Some sunnah invocations.
  4. How to perform wudoo’ and ghusl.
  5. Islamic etiqeutte (of eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.).

2nd Year

  1. Qur’aan recitation: Juz’ 30 and 29.
  2. Qur’aan memorisation: 20 soorahs from Juz’ 30 with tajweed.
  3. Some sunnah invocations and their meanings.
  4. Public speaking in Urdu.
  5. Arabic writing.

3rd Year

  1. Qur’aan reciation: cover to cover.
  2. Qur’aan memorisation: Juz’ 30.
  3. Sunnah adhkaar and du’aas.
  4. 300 daily use Arabic words with meanings.
  5. Public speaking.
  6. Islamic history and culture.

4th Year

  1. Qur’aan memorisation: Juz’ 30 and half of Juz’ 29.
  2. Basic Arabic grammar along with 500 Arabic words.
  3. Public speaking in Urdu and English (10).
  4. Translation: Arabic to English and English to Arabic.
  5. Sunnah invocations.
  6. 50 prophetic hadeeths and their meanings.
  7. Islamic history and culture.

5th Year

  1. Qur’aan memorisation: Juz’ 30 and 29.
  2. Basic Arabic grammar along with 600 Arabic words.
  3. Translation: Arabic to English and English to Arabic.
  4. Public speaking in Urdu and English (15).
  5. Sunnah invocations with meanings.
  6. Seerah, Islamic history and culture.